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March Saturday Scoop Topics

March Saturday Scoop topics are here, and they are NOT to be missed! This month we explore how to balance out plate rather than give up foods we love, and how to find balance in our mindset as well, by getting rid of all-or-nothing thinking. We are also offering TWO amazing cooking demonstrations where you will learn to prepare healthy and satisfying food. Did I mention you get to taste the final product? Scroll down for full details on what March has to offer.

What is Saturday Scoop?

If you’ve never been to Saturday Scoop, every Saturday one of our amazing clinicians leads a 1-hour interactive group (10:00 am to 11:00 am) that covers a variety of health or weight related topics.

Saturday, March 2nd

Balanced Approach, Balanced Plate, Balanced Mindset

Making dietary and activity changes can sometimes feel like we have to “give up” things we like, particular foods (no more French fries), activities (say goodbye to happy hour) or habits (no eating in front of the TV!). Balance is a huge key to sustainable change. How do we achieve this balance with foods – both literally and figuratively? Join Lauren Trocchio, RD for an interactive discussion on how we can achieve both a balanced mindset and plate.

Saturday, March 9th

All-or-Nothing Thinking: How to Keep it from Derailing Your Efforts

Do you find yourself either following an exercise or nutrition plan perfectly, or thinking you’re a failure? Maybe you think that eating something “bad” makes you a bad person. Most people engage in all-or-nothing (or black-and-white) thinking in one way or another. This type of thinking can be counterproductive to weight loss, as well as demoralizing. Join clinical psychologist Rachel Burnett, PhD to learn more about finding your way towards a healthy middle ground.

Saturday March 16th

Cooking with Seasonal Vegetables:

Most of us have heard to “eat seasonally,” but, what vegetables are “in season,” and why does it matter?? Matthew D'Aria, RD will cover why cooking with seasonal vegetables can have many benefits, including taste and your wallet. Then you get to taste a seasonal dish when Matthew whips up an easy, healthy, and tasty dish that will have you headed to the nearest farmers market or vegetable aisle.

Saturday March 23rd

“Wellness Moments;” Self-Care Strategies for Your Daily Life

Many of us are so caught up in the demands of our daily lives that it’s hard to even remember to do basic things to take care of ourselves. Day-to-day wellness and self-care strategies are essential to changing our lifestyles and reaching weight loss and wellness goals. Please join licensed clinical psychologist Rachel Burnett, PhD to help identify your daily self-care needs and some simple strategies that can help you feel more relaxed and centered.

Saturday March 30th

Cooking for Cravings

Everyone has cravings from time to time, some prefer sweet and others prefer savory. In this cooking demo, registered dietitian, Matthew D'Aria will show you how to put a healthier spin on dishes you crave. Good food can be good for you!

To sign up and for questions: 703-807-0037, or email Michelle at

Free for active Comprehensive Program patients; $35 per session for all others

Prepayment package discounts available.

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