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Managing Hunger when Changing the Way You Eat
An individual trying to healthily lose weight may find hunger increasing at a certain point during weight loss, at which point we may need t
On the Use of Testimonials for Weight Loss Clinics
I believe that the use of testimonials for weight loss puts the individual at a risk for increased feelings of shame and continues to perpet
Finding Balance-Surviving & Thriving
Losing weight involves learning to care better for our bodies, minds and hearts.
Weight-What's Sleep Got to do With it?
Most individuals need 7-9 hours of sleep a day for optimal functioning. Those who sleep less than 5 hours are at greater risk for...
Fad Diets-Proceed with Caution
Weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle is a huge focus in our world today. Unlimited sources of information are available to us in...
Winter Weight
I mean who wants to go out for a walk when it is 30 degrees and dark? And for that matter, who wants a salad?
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