Looking for some new ways to get through your stressful days? Please join our clinical psychologist Rachel Burnett, PhD for help thinking outside the box to start using some new and different things to manage stress and other difficult emotions. The goals is for you to leave the session with a few new and effective tools to feel better on a day-to-day basis.
What is Virtual Saturday Scoop?
Live streaming on Saturdays from 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Join us from the comfort of your own home
Each session covers different weight management topics ranging from adequate protein intake, finding your best activity, to coping with emotions, followed by a group discussion
Led by alternating member of our teams (clinical psychologist, exercise physiologist or dietitian)
FREE for active comprehensive program patients, $15/group for others (orig. $35)
Contact Michelle Vaughan (mvaughan@wtmgmt.com) to pre-register