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Virtual Saturday Scoop 4.10.21; Feeling Connected/Disconnected From Our Bodies

Many people who have struggled with weight issues also feel disconnected from their bodies. This can take many different forms – for example, not knowing what we are feeling in our bodies, seeing our bodies as separate from “me”, or having trouble knowing when our body needs something. Integrating our experience of our body can be challenging but also can lead to more feelings of peace and wholeness. In this Saturday Scoop, clinical psychologist, Dr. Burnett, will talk more about this difficult topic and lead a discussion to help you start to make progress in this area.

What is Virtual Saturday Scoop?

  • Live streaming on Saturdays from 10:00 am - 11:00 am

  • Join us from the comfort of your own home

  • Each session covers different weight management topics ranging from adequate protein intake, finding your best activity, to coping with emotions, followed by a group discussion

  • Led by alternating member of our teams (clinical psychologist, exercise physiologist or dietitian)

FREE for active comprehensive program patients, $15/group for others (orig. $35)


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